+90850 532 2072

Custom Printed Packaging

  • Product code : ABP-01
  • Specially Produced (Not Stocked)
  • min. Total production : 1000
  • Production time: Ready Stock Product
  • Delivery from Warehouse or Cargo to Your Address
  • Relating to :
You can use A4 brochure bags, which we produce from transparent plastic, to distribute catalogs, brochures and flyers in A4 size. The dimensions of our brochure bag are 30x22 cm + 7 cm hanging handle. Sold in packs of 1000. Production is based on kilo for your special orders.

Why should I use A4 size?
Catalogs and brochures are usually produced in A4 size. A4 size is an ideal size for catalogs and brochures, unlike standard letter size printing materials. It has a larger format that allows more content to be included. This makes it easy for a customer to quickly find what they are looking for and make general comparisons between products.

The advantage of ads using this size is that it stands out from other standard print materials and offers a larger viewing area with more room for content. In addition, the larger size is well suited for distribution by mail, as it is easier to distinguish from smaller letters. It also provides a more professional look. This can help increase a company's branding and marketing efforts.

How should the graphic design be in A4 catalog and brochure advertisements distributed to the doors?
There are a few basic elements to consider when designing an A4 catalog or brochure advertisement.
1. Keep it Simple: The general rule of thumb when designing for the A4 size is to keep it simple. Keep text and images clear and concise so readers can quickly understand your message. Use minimal colors and avoid using too many elements that will overwhelm the design.
2. Use High Quality Images: Make sure the images you use are clear and sharp. Low resolution images can look pixelated and cheap, so be sure to use quality images in your designs.
3. Balance Page: Balance the page by balancing the text and images. Use a clear hierarchy in the design by changing font sizes and colors to help create a visual hierarchy.
4. Choose a Eye-catching Font: Choose a font that is easy to read but still stands out. Bold fonts work well in A4 sizes as they are easily readable even from afar.
5. Use Layout and Size: The placement and size of elements such as text and images can help draw attention to specific areas of the design. Place important information in the center of the page so that it is easily visible.
Following these tips will help make your A4 catalog or brochure ad look professional and stand out from the rest.

What are the advantages of distributing brochures by hanging them on doors in plastic bags?
1. Cost-Effective: Hanging brochures in plastic bags on doorways eliminates expensive postage, printing and delivery charges. Since the material inside the bag is light, it is much cheaper to distribute than printed brochures.

2. Simple and Effective: Hanging brochures in plastic bags on doors is a simple way to get your message across. The bagged brochure stands out and the information is clearly visible.

3. Targeted Advertising: Distributing hangable brochures in plastic bags allows you to reach a specific target audience. For example, you can tailor the brochure to a specific demographic or even a specific neighborhood.

4. Eco-Friendly: Plastic bags are reusable and recyclable, making them an eco-friendly option. They can also help reduce the amount of paper used for print-based marketing campaigns.