The Psychological Impact of Packaging Design - Bilgi Bankası
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Custom Printed Packaging

The Psychological Impact of Packaging Design

Packaging is the garment of the product, buying the consumer process and must have all the necessary beauty of the store. The choice of the right and effective packaging material is as important as the packaging design: attractive packaging with good looks, designed with colors selected according to the nature of the product, consistent texts and shapes have a positive effect. on the consumer. is an important tool for reflecting and dialogue with the consumer. Almost the language of the product. The effectiveness of this language ensures positive results from the doctorate. If the consumer who goes to the market can buy the product in the shopping bag without putting it back, the packaging has a great effect on this. There is no doubt that a good packaging alone cannot be combined with a bad product. A quality product alone can increase your sales with poor packaging. The graphic design of the packaging, like any other advertising issue, is the responsibility of the graphic designer. When the product is presented to the consumer, it should have appeal and impact and be understood everywhere. In the packaging of each product, the relationship between the product and the external elements should be good. It has a strong visual impact and creates a positive image in the consumer's mind. The choice of color on the packaging is a serious matter, because the product influences the thoughts and feelings of the potential buyer, encouraging him to buy. Colors are an important factor in any design. Although variable, the psychological effect of each color is different, for example; Warm colors create the effect of joy, vitality, movement and desire.
